Our campaigns

Here are a selection of campaigns we are working on. Often they reflect national campaigns so we have given the appropriate links

We also respond to consultations as and when they happen, with takes an awful lot of work!

Safe Streets Now

Reducing the danger posed by motor vehicles to everyone else underpins everything we do.

Someone is killed or seriously injured every 16 minutes and we feel that is simply unacceptable.

School Streets

What: A restriction of motor vehicle access during drop off/pick up on the roads directly surrounding schools.

Why: They have a proven track record in reducing pedestrian injury, they provide safe space for children to socialise and they boost active travel

Accessibility for all

What: give everyone the same access we give to people with no physical disabilities. For instance removing physical barriers and improving surface quality.

Why: it is a legal requirement under the Equality Act 2010 that in many cases the council is still failing to fulfil

Every street a safe street

What: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods wherever possible and proper danger reduction on ‘main’ roads eg. continuous footways, protected cycle lanes, ending ‘pavement parking’ by motor vehicles

Why: To offer a fair range of choices in how people can safely get around out city

Kidical Mass

What: normalising children and families cycling on the road

Why: to normalise children and families cycling on the road!

“What do we want? Safe Streets Now!”

Scholars Way

What: A specific active travel to link places of education on Combe Down

Why: To provide safe alternatives to motor vehicles

City Centre to University route

What: Select one of the 3 hills to be the primary active travel route

Why: It is difficult to press the Uni to enable modal shift whilst there is no safe route