Get involved

If you do one thing, do this:


That is it. Because what we are really short of is not money, or council staff, or technical knowledge… it is political will, pure and simple.

Councillors can only represent people who present themselves in the first place. And the lived experiences of the challenges YOU face in YOUR community carry a lot of weight.

So get writing, get your concerns on the agenda and don’t stop bringing them up until they are sorted. Most councillors also run surgeries. Be courteous, be reasonable, but above all be present.

Search for your local councillor here

And as you become more radicalised and if you have the confidence, why not book a 3 minute speaking slot at council and make your case? Speakers with constructive solutions for improvements are rarer than you might assume!

Ultimately one member of WRB got so radicalised she is now a councillor herself!

But if you only do one thing, CONTACT TO YOUR COUNCILLOR TODAY!

Subscribe to our site

Simply subscribe to our site (on the right). This way you find out about new posts on the website. In particular you will find out about “Call to Action” posts. These are posts that explain a problem and then asks you to write to your councillors (or even directly to your MP).

(Editor note: not sure we are mentioning enough how people need to hustle their elected representatives?)

Become a Member Campaigner

Is there something that really gets your goat? The number of people you see scrolling on their phone whilst driving? Then become a Member Campaigner. These are people that work on certain issues- but beware, end the most minor changes can be years in the making.

And to paraphrase JFK, think not what WRB can do for you, but what you can do for WRB. We are 4 volunteers and we absolutely welcome ideas, but ideas from someone who is willing to deliver them with our support are the most welcome of all!

Become a school governor

Bring the system down from the inside. Education has traditionally been a hotbed of sedition, but it requires people to put things on the agenda- literally. Safeguarding concerns about school run vehicles outside the gates? Worried about the life long impact that inactivity is having on our your people (let alone our health service)? Get a seat at the table. See this blog about Playing Out for some inspiration.

Attend Active Travel Cafe online

If you want to explore issues around active travel, see what is being done elsewhere etc… this once weekly online event is a great place to start. All the active travel celebs are there… even some from Bath.

Full details at

A few podcasts…

Of course there is a pod for this!

The War on Cars is New York based but the issues covered will be extremely familiar to a UK audience, and it occasionally features UK guests. The back catalogue is a great resource.

Streets Ahead is UK based. Not quite as slickly produced as War on Cars but some great content.